[% is_missed_collection = report.category == 'Report missed collection' ~%] [% is_no_collections_enquiry = report.category == 'Business or organisation missed collection enquiry' || report.category == 'Missed collection enquiry' ~%] Subject: [% IF is_missed_collection %]Thank you for reporting a missed collection[% ELSE %]Thank you for your [% report.category %][% END %] Dear [% report.name %], [% IF is_missed_collection %]Thank you for reporting a missed collection[% ELSE %]Thank you for your [% report.category %][% END %] [% INCLUDE 'waste/_council_reference.txt' problem=report %] [% IF is_missed_collection %] Our waste contractor will return within 2 working days to collect your bin(s). Please leave your bin(s) out until our contractor returns. If you need to contact us about this report, please quote your reference number. [% ELSIF is_no_collections_enquiry %] We will look into your enquiry and get back to you as soon as possible. If you need to contact us about this enquiry, please quote your reference number. [% END %] Contact us: https://mybexley.bexley.gov.uk/service/rubbish_and_recycling_enquiries [% INCLUDE 'waste/_report_details.txt' %] [% signature %] This email was sent automatically, from an unmonitored email account - so please do not reply to it.