[% # NOTE Currently, Bexley only get sent this email for no-collections enquiries %] [% is_no_collections_enquiry = 1 %] [% email_summary = "New " _ report.category _ " submitted by a " _ site_name _ " user."; email_footer = ""; email_columns = 2; PROCESS '_email_settings.html'; INCLUDE '_email_top.html'; %] [% start_padded_box | safe %]

New [% report.category %]

(for back office only)

The enquiry reference number is [% report.id %].

The below details have been submitted via Wasteworks for your attention because no collections were found at the property.

Submission details:

[%~ IF report.user.phone %] [%~ END %]
Trying to report missed collection
for business or organisation?
[% report.category == 'Business or organisation missed collection enquiry' ? 'Yes' : 'No' %]
Name [% report.name | html %]
Email [%~ IF report.user.email ~%] [% report.user.email | html %] [%~ ELSE ~%] No email address provided, only phone number [%~ END ~%]
Phone [% report.user.phone | html %]
[% end_padded_box | safe %] [% WRAPPER '_email_sidebar.html' object = report %] [% INCLUDE 'waste/_sidebar_content.html' %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE '_email_bottom.html' %]