[% # NOTE Currently, Bexley only get sent this email for no-collections enquiries ~%] [% is_no_collections_enquiry = 1 ~%] Subject: New [% report.category %] - Reference number: [% report.id %] Dear [% bodies_name %], A user of [% site_name %] has submitted a [% report.category %]. [% fuzzy %], or to provide an update on the problem, please visit the following link: [% url %] ---------- Trying to report missed collection for business or organisation? [% report.category == 'Business or organisation missed collection enquiry' ? 'Yes' : 'No' %] Name: [% report.name %] Email: [% report.user.email OR "None provided" %] Phone: [% report.user.phone OR "None provided" %] ---------- [% INCLUDE 'waste/_report_details.txt' %] ---------- [% signature %] If there is a more appropriate email address for messages about [% category_footer %], please let us know. This will help improve the service for local people. We also welcome any other feedback you may have.