- What is this site?
- FixMyStreet Bucks is a site to allow people to make reports to
Buckinghamshire Council, and view, or discuss local issues they’ve
found, by simply locating them on a map.
- What sort of problems should I report with FixMyStreet?
- FixMyStreet Bucks is primarily for reporting things which are
broken or damaged or dumped, and need fixing, or clearing, such as:
- Abandoned vehicles
- Flooding
- Flytipping or litter
- Grit bins
- Rubbish or flytipping
- Potholes
- Street cleaning, such as broken glass in a cycle lane
- Street signs and traffic lights
- Unlit lampposts
- What isn’t FixMyStreet for?
- FixMyStreet is not a way of getting in touch with Buckinghamshire
Council for all issues – please use this site only for problems
such as the above.
You will need to contact the relevant authority directly for problems such as:
- Anti-social behaviour
- Any urgent or emergency problems
- Noise pollution or barking dogs
- Fires and smoke/smell pollution
- Missing wheelie bins or recycling boxes or missed rubbish collections
- Complaining about your neighbours
- Joy riding, drug taking, animal cruelty, or other criminal activity should be reported to the Police Service.
Complaints about Buckinghamshire Council can be sent via this form.
- How do I use the site?
- After entering a location, you are presented with a map of that area.
You can view problems already reported in that area, or report ones of your
own by clicking on the map at the location of the problem.
- How are the problems solved?
- They are reported to us at Buckinghamshire Council who will
resolve the problem the way we normally would.
- Is it free?
- The site is free to use, yes.
- Can I use FixMyStreet on my mobile?
The FixMyStreet Bucks website will already work on your mobile
phone, adapting to the size of your screen automatically.
- Is there an app I can download?
Yes, see our instructions on how to download
the [% c.cobrand.council_name %] reporting app.